
Our 1-2-1 coaching service ensures accountability, support, and progress tracking for individuals pursuing financial stability, accompanied by strategic planning sessions, 10 hours of consulting, and essential documents.

Empowering Your Financial Journey: Personalized 1-2-1 Coaching for Accountability and Support

A service design to keep individuals accountable and having support as they pursue the journey of financial stability. 1-2-1 coaching will support clients as they perform the tasks outlined in their planning session. Structure: Initial Meeting up to 2 hours deep analysis following 8 additional meetings to connect and track progress. Each planning session come with up to 10hrs of consulting. Remember after your initial meeting you’ll be provided with three documents to further you closer to your goal.

  • Detail Report
  • To Do List
  • Resources

“Knowledge is Power” knowledge is truly powerful when you utilize the information to enhance your life.

Budget Development – A service taken a deep drive into your financial state.

  • Analyzing spending habits
  • Creating a budget
  • Assets vs. liabilities
  • Setting financial goals
  • Mindset
  • Accounts setup
  • Controls Implementation
  • Debts and payoff analysis

Home Ownership Preparation
Prepare for pre-approve $1,000.00

  • Income requirements
  • Credit requirements
  • Funds needed
  • Markets Buyers vs Sellers
  • Lenders vs Broker
  • Assistant Programs
  • Realtors
  • Loan Types
  • Terminology

Retirement Provision – service to analysis current retirement plan and/or to structure in a new direction $1,000.00

  • Realignment
  • Creation
  • New Vehicle
  • 401k vs IRA
  • Roth vs Traditional
  • Retirement Goals
  • Retirement Income

Credit Planning- building credit profile $1,000.00

  • Free Reports
  • FICO vs Vantage
  • Myths vs truths
  • Personal information
  • 30 days late
  • Removal power of negations